This is Chris Connelly’s ninth solo album, and the follow up to 2007’s critically acclaimed ‘THE EPISODES’. ‘FORGIVENESS AND EXILE’ is again produced by Tim Kinsella and Ben Vida with Chris, and the musicians are the same jazz and improvisational band that played on ‘THE EPISODES’. This time, however, the album is strongly augmented with the addition of four of Chris’s oldest friends: * DAVID MILLER (FINI TRIBE) * SHIRLEY MANSON (GARBAGE) * DAVID TIBET (CURRENT 93) * And actress TORRI HIGGINSON (THE ENGLISH PATIENT, STARGATE ATLANTIS) The album, apart from the opening song ‘ARRAN’, is basically one long piece divided into sections; an ever changing and evolving meditation on war, displaced peoples, families shattered by corrupt governments, wrongful imprisonments and torture. This impressionistic view is characterized through improvisation, dramatic change in dynamics, disparate imagery, ruined landscapes and cities illustrated by Connelly’s poetry. The subject matter here is of course extremely dark, and it has not been taken in any way lightly by its author, and in an attempt to move towards easing the plight of the millions of innocent victims the world over, all monies generated by Chris Connelly for this project will go directly to the MARJORIE KOVLER CENTER FOR THE TREATMENT OF SURVIVORS OF TORTURE, providing medical, mental health, emergency and other support services to help torture survivors overcome trauma so that they may start a new life. (durtro Jnana)