“This 3 x CD album is a 3 hour anthology of 52 previously unreleased ‘electronica’ and ambient soundscapes from the last 25 years, 1990 – 2015. The album is a mature blend of brand new material, up-dated and adapted pieces and raw, untouched and unadulterated tracks from yesteryear. Released in a deluxe 8 panel fold-out digipack.
‘Miscellany – Lussuoso’ is the 3rd release in the ‘Miscellany’ archive series, the first being the 13 CDR box set ‘Miscellany – Deluxe’ and the second being the 3 L.P. box set ‘Miscellany Deluxe (Souvenirs Perdus d’Antan)’.
It’s been an incredibly enjoyable experience putting together this 3 disc anthology. I can remember where and when each and every one of these recordings were made. A lot of the tracks were made using a SH101, Alesis MMT-8, Akai X7000 sampler and Tascam four track tape machine, all second-hand, and even at the time fairly primitive technology. One of the earliest tracks was made at a studio in North London, they used what must of been the earliest version of Cubase, at the time it was the height of sophistication.
The majority of the tracks were made in the early 90’s in London, an era when I was listening to a lot of music from the emerging ‘ambient’ and electronica scenes. At that point I had a part time job, I worked on the till. Through various means of ‘creative accounting’ the job afforded me to buy at least one new record every lunch break. I worked near Wardour street and went shopping everyday. I bought everything that came out on Warp, Rephlex, R&S, Apollo and an assortment of other labels. These records in part influenced what I was creating at the time.
There is no chronological pattern to the running order of the discs, it’s up to you to ponder when they were recorded. Some tracks sound a lot older than they actually are, and others more contemporary than the year in which they were originally recorded.”