“brain overloaded” is the new CD album created by Rafał Iwański (X-NAVI:ET, Voices of the Cosmos, HATI) which is composed of electroacoustic compositions recorded with analogue tone generators, machine filters, synthesizers, and, to a lesser extent, acoustic objects. Apparently, it’s the most electronic face of X-NAVI:ET, and, at the same time, the reckoning of the post-industrial style which was an important stage on Rafał Iwański’s creative path somewhere in the mid-1990s. “brain overloaded” is 7 sonic journey recorded between 2008 and 2011 related with the research on human brain. The question raised is if our industrial and digital world we created has started surpassing the capacity of our brains which were evolutionally designed to gather information. In other words, have they started to “overload”? Can the information surplus move us back? “brain overloaded” is an impulse for investigating ways of simply not going mad in this world. The album is dedicated to William S. Burroughs – one of the most enlightened minds of the era in which we are to live. The author of the paintings used on the cover is Ewa Bińczyk, an artist from Toruń. Attention! The symptoms unlikely to occur after listening to the album are the decrease of IQ, withdrawal, stupor and indifference. CD released in serie: IYHHH limited to 444 hand-numbered copies packaged in ecopack + postcard ZOHAR 006-2 IYHHH