1 –Nuori Veri Jatkumon Ahjo 3:15
2 –Parempi Ratkaisu Ali-ihmisten Kärsimys 5:28
3 –Amek Maj Miksei 4:04
4 –Toteslaut (2) Strike the Master Sword 5:41
5 –Maskhead Tormented Pleasures 2:29
6 –Vitun Siat Ole Eläin 3:04
7 –YANA (22) Tuntematon 3:42
8 –Circle Of Shit Fake Decoupe Orgasm 2:40
9 –Ahola & Silander Koitos 4:12
10 –Electric Hobo Pripyat 2:49
11 –Tyhjiø Aurinko 4:25
The sound of Finnish experimental noise
Terässinfonia: Steel Symphony
Vol. 2
Compiled, mastered and designed by Freak Animal Records