First 100 copies are hand-numbered and contain 2 photographs
Long awaited follow-up to “4 In 1” (cassette 1982, Grafika Airlines) and “4 In 1 Volume 2” (LP 1982 Grafika Discs), compiled by Alain Neffe (Insane Music, Belgium). PSEUDO CODE 3 more exclusive archive tracks (1981) from a unique Belgian trio BeNe GeSSeRiT Brand new stuff recorded 2010-2011! This husband & wife duo is back to active again, and everyone shall be aware after hearing this! MESSY GOES INSANE Latest “Insane group”….a collaboration between Alain Neffe (music) and long-time female performer MESSY (vocals, lyrics) from The Netherlands. “Messy Vocal Magic”, very recommended! HUMAN FLESH Ambitious long piece, close to an electronic opera in 7 parts! Featuring the Italian voices of Francesco Paladino (A.T.R.O.X., Doubling Riders), Sandra Ramelli andAnnarosa Cortellini (opera singer) and music by Planetaldol, Flavien Gillié (JM Charcot, Finalcut) and Pierluigi Andreoni (A.T.R.O.X., Doubling Riders). Master Of Ceremony, lyrics: Alain Neffe It took over 20 years to finish this track! Filed under: synth pop, minimal, modern classical, experimental First 100 copies are hand-numbered and contain 2 photographs EE-Tapes EE26