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A tape edition of the BRANDKOMMANDO new album. The latest album of BRANDKOMMANDO, one of the most important Polish Power Electronics projects released by Zoharum. As in the case of previous publications, here we are dealing with a kind of concept-album referring to a specific topic. 1989 is dedicated to the events that took place in that year in Romania, when the oppressed community opposed the dictatorship of Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife, leading to the capture, quick trial and express execution of the sentence. The blue-yellow-red flag with the insignia of the country’s communist party cut out became the symbol of these bloody, but very important, changes in Romania.

Brandkommando is a representative of the Polish power electronics scene. The project, founded by Karol Wachowski in 2005, has so far published several dozen publications, cooperating with, among others, with labels such as Beast of Prey, Mask of Slave, Phage Tapes, Skulline and others. By means of a grinding and noisy cannonade of sounds, maintained in industrial aesthetics, he expresses his attitude to issues of a socio-political nature, often attacking ideologies stemming from propaganda in authoritarian systems.
However, as he declares himself, he does not represent any political thought or ideology…

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Weight 0,2 kg