Both ethnic and ambient, sometimes low & harsh or even psychedelic, Sigma Octantis’s music is always melancholic & quite strange. This enigmatic act may appeal to Divine Comedy’s addicts into Lambwool or Othila, or even Foundation Hope ; but Sigma Octantis can be more menacingto our ears. As musical influence, Sigma Octantis will quote Spindrift of Morthond, New Order, MB, Militia, Mandible Chatter, Thiefaine, Haus Arafna, Paul Roland, Megaptera or Brighter Death Now… For the eyes: „Europe After The Rain“ by from Max Ernst. About movement: from Tarkovski’s „Stalker“ (the Fab’s one all-time favourite film ever!) Amongst other things Sigma Octantis likes Surrealism, dark and melancholic writers such as Bataille, Artaud, Shakespeare, Proust, Bernhard, dark humour ala Ambrose Bierce. (DC 046)