Hospital Productions return with this strong new album from Exoteric Continent, edition of 500 copies, first 200 pressed up on Blue wax** Barcelona’s Exoteric Continent grounds his first ever vinyl release following cassette drops for Opal Tapes and Second Sleep. Exploring ascetic techno and electronic noise, this vinyl edition combines both his ‚Referèndum‘ tape volumes on one fine slab. Something of a relative outsider in the balearic climes of his home city, Arnau Sala Saez pushes an intense, probing sound, both with his own music and via closely associated cohorts N.M.O., or Americans, Eric Frye, and Helmer, who’ve all released on his brilliant Anòmia label. With ‚Referèndum‘ Exoteric Continent draws us into the awkward spaces and styles around techno and noise’s shifting, jagged borders, using drums, percussion, magnetic tape and synthesisers to outline nine atonal and enigmatic silhouettes. Ranging from the creeping slow techno misshape of ‚Percentages‘ thru the sagging chamber feeling of ‚Posicions‘, to the Soisong-like gamelan tones of ‚Transició‘, and over to the kinky industrial swing instincts of ‚La Mirada Llarga‘, he mixes rugged structures with stranger, keening electronics in the insectoid logic of ‚Autoritat‘, and the rubbled electro-acoustic texturhythm of ‚Agrupació Civil‘ to forge a fractious, unstable brace of noise techno that sits somewhere between classic Pan Sonic and his Hospital lablemate Alberich. Excellently produced material – the first in a run of really strong new album releases from Hospital Productions due in the coming months.