Album titles consisting of complete sentences are rare in the noise genre. Even more so if they begin with “I”. One cannot help but imagine the title of Carsten Vollmer’s album trilogy, due to be released on three labels in parallel on 24 December 2021, as a quote from a dialogue: ‚After all, do you make music or noise?‘ – ‚Neither. I work with frequencies.‘ Although, based on its acoustic qualities, Carsten Vollmer’s work can be placed in the context of noise, the title evades not only the cultural expectations regarding music, but also those regarding noise-as-genre.
Like all works by Carsten Vollmer, the three parts of Ich arbeite mit Frequenzen come in white packaging. As the acoustic content of the media avoids nearly every conventional musical structure and leaves it to listeners to map their own patterns onto the raw facticity of sound, the covers also refuse any kind of emotionally associative ‚framing‘ through images. Like the sound itself, its accessories are also just a projection screen. The metaphor of ‚white‘ noise is translated into the visual realm in a literal way – forbidding in its rigorous sparseness, but also inviting listeners to write or draw directly onto the covers the feedback their brains give on the feedbacks from Carsten Vollmer’s amplifiers.
Ich arbeite mit Frequenzen refuses any kind of mystification. An image of the frequency generator that produces said frequencies is the only visual information the three album cases contain – on the inside. With a list of the frequencies that are traversed – in the case of part 1 rising from the bass into ever higher pitch regions, with ansteigend in the subtitle simply meaning ‚rising‘ –, Carsten Vollmer reveals the construction plan of his work. Thus, the album offers enormous freedom, inviting listeners to make extremely abstract sonic events their own through active listening, or even to produce them by themselves. All tools and ingredients are laid out in front of them. To paraphrase an old DIY punk slogan: Here’s a frequency generator. Here’s a frequency. Here’s another. Here’s a third. Now make noise.