‘Raíz Ibérica’ (‘Iberian Root’) is a meeting of Iberian bands dealing with the myths, legends and origins of Iberia Peninsula (Spain & Portugal). From delicate Folk tunes to Ur-Folk through more Natural-Ambient songs to even Ritual passages and traditional music. All bands involved have a deep connection with the old roots, stones and mountains forming this particular land. This is the perfect compilation to be intruduced in Iberian folk nowadays. More if you’re interested in the folk rooted on traditions, legends and old Gods… Featuring Àrnica, Sangre de Muérdago, Urze de Lume, Keltika Hispanna, Stillme, Caelia, Azagatel, Wihinnei Rita, Cosmos, The Wyrm, Azagatel, Ángel Román. Get ready to enter into hidden Iberia… CD comes with 16 pages booklet. Ahnenstern 51