Tibetan Bells, Eastern and Western Gregorian Chants, Mongolian throat singing, Pakistan flutes, bagpipes, Tunisian Mizwab, Sufi dhikr, martial drums, ethnic and tribal drums, speeches of personalities like Ezra Pound, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Imam Khomeyni, majestic scenarios representing, in a whole ethninc industrial opera, a picture of various identities, peoples and traditions living on the great geographic space called Eurasia.
„Eurasia“ was also the title of the first Bardini’s album, now totaly replayed with TSIDMZ.
All songs have been re-composed and re-playedby Gregorio Bardini and TSIDMZ during 2014.
All the flutes played by Gregorio Bardini, mixed at Tetsuo studio with final mixing by Peter Andersson.
Limited edition of 100 copies on white vinyl, includes also one square pin.