“Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.”
Leonard Cohen: Anthem (The Future – 1992)
The year 2016 marked the beginning of
our fight against a coalition of the most
vile entities farrowed by this vulgar world:
the administrative services and the estate
managers. The bruitist material remained
derelict on its tripods and on my architect’s
table, in my little overcrowded studio.
I shared my time between the preparation of legal files and the processing of
sounds and images for the next releases
of ENTRE VIFS, plus the graphic montages
that I always carried out in parallel.
This resulted in the booklet Argument
Total (prolonging, 30 years later, the
KMX / Destructeur de Formes experiment), the reissue of the cassette MARS
published in 1987 with a limited edition
of KMX / Schlagmusïk (Aussaat / La
Procédure), the CD Ontologie (Aussaat),
the cassette The Harvest (Cipher
Productions), the digital albums Ciment
and Erebos (
and the very limited edition of the cassette
Heavy Duty (Cthulhu 1989, redux
With a heavy heart, I resolved to store
the instruments and their effects boxes in
separate parts to free up some space, but
I took this opportunity to engage in Indian
ink drawing experiments with homemade
tools and assemblages from recycled
materials – not really a gain in terms of
work ergonomics.
The spring of 2018 saw the resurgence of
the noise system on the occasion of three
consecutive home sessions during which
Shirubee, my teammate since 2010,
let express her Kobaïan atavisms by
duly chastising her favorite instruments:
Shriller, Kratz (New Smasher) and MiniElectrolyre.
This is a concentrate of these country
spring sessions that we invite you to discover in our latest opus, Offrande &
Zorïn / Entre Vifs.