The second of two anthology CDs created to mark Coil’s live performance in Moscow on September 15, 2001. Limited to 1000 copies.
This volume features a selection of aggressive and noisy pieces from throughout Coil’s career, along with the previously unreleased track „A.Y.O.R.“. The other volume is Пособие Для Начинающих: Глас Сéребра, which features more melancholy and melodic tracks.
The English title given above is a loose translation of the Russian title devised by Ivan Pavlov of CoH. The Russian word for „finisher“ means „those who eject semen“ but it also can suggest suicide.
Panic 4:18
First Dark Ride 10:50
Further Back And Faster 7:55
The Anal Staircase 3:57
Red Skeletons 7:32
Scope 6:35
Solar Lodge 5:36
Blue Rats 3:08
A.Y.O.R. 3:11
The First Five Minutes After Violent Death 4:59