
Lieferzeit: AsSoonAsPossible-or announced

Artikelnummer: MV18 Kategorie: Schlagwort:


Anthology of rare and previously unreleased tracks by Arcane Device, recorded within the 20 years. It is divided into two parts. The first one consists of tracks from compilations issued by Subterranean Records, Tragic Figures, SFCR Tapes, and Generations Unlimited, but also unreleased material remastered and/or remixed in 2007. The second one is subtitled as „Feedback symphony“ and based on various recordings, presented in four movements and finished in 2007. One more chance to approve the exceptional skills and compositional/technical talent of David Myers who can control the electrons by will, creating fantastic soundscapes. Arcane Device is the unique project of American graphic designer and musician David Myers, active between 1987 and 1995. His creative output is going beyond any categorization, because it’s possible to re-arrange and demonstrate such many styles of modern music with only one thing that is feedback. This effect usually happens when you shortcut the input and output of any electric device. It’s hard to believe but this almost uncontrolable beast became the driving force for Arcane Device music, armed by self-made bank of delays and filters. Looking like inward sound research, decorated with finest web of random processes and microvariations, it becames the peculiar feature. Endless circulation of electrons, never repeating routes and always having some chance for individual life inside of any macrostructure. Monochrome Vision (mv18)


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